Startup TipsBarbara2024-11-29T16:27:10+01:00

Startup Tips


The Startup Law Firm

EMBARK.LAW founder Michel Kertai interviewed by Looking for a lawyer with a clear focus on your startup? Contact us.

„Während Harvey Specter mit der Brechstange agiert, setzen wir auf langfristige Beziehungen“

EMBARK.LAW Gründer Michel Kertai im Interview mit FOUNDED. EMBARK.LAW ist eine auf Startups spezialisierte Anwaltskanzlei. Von Finanzierungsrunden bis hin zu Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen, sorgt das Team und Mitgründer Michel Kertai für Rechtssicherheit bei Startup-Gründern. Ein Gespräch über typische Fehler, die Auswirkungen künstlicher Intelligenz und die Dynamik in der Startup-Szene. Michel, [...]

CLA Taxation: Why the 10/20 Non-Bank Rule Matters

Convertible loan agreements (CLAs) are a top choice for financing Swiss startups. They offer a way to secure funding without lots of paperwork or having to negociate the company’s value right away. However, CLAs can bring some tax risks. The biggest one is the "10/20 non-bank rule". Not following this [...]

10 Things to Think About when Founding a Startup

No. 1: Company name ("Firma") For the commercial register to accept your chosen company name, it needs to be free (i.e. not already taken) and meet certain requirements – for example, it shouldn’t misrepresent what the company does. We recommend to also check if your company name can be [...]


Why your startup should be an AG instead of a GmbH if you plan on raising venture capital In Switzerland, founding an AG is costly – not least because AGs have a high minimum capital requirement of CHF 100k (50k need to be paid in at founding). It’s easier to [...]

Liquidation Preferences in Startup Financing

Who Gets How Much When a Startup is Sold? Startups usually depend on financially strong partners to grow. During financing rounds, investment agreements are concluded, and liquidation preferences are often one of the major deal terms to be negotiated. They are THE main feature of preferred shares (versus common [...]

Archive of older Posts

Kurzarbeit: Tipps für Startups

Das Ausmass der durch das Coronavirus verursachten Einschränkungen dürfte viele überrascht haben. Viele Unternehmen können seit dem 17. März 2020 nicht oder nur noch beschränkt tätig sein, oder spüren die Auswirkungen dieser Einschränkungen indirekt. Startups, die rasch wachsen wollen bzw. müssen, sind in dieser Situation besonders betroffen. Neben verunsicherten [...]

Expansion ABC

Find out how to incorporate a business in various countries around the world. This video series by the Boalt Global Corporate Law Society and EMBARK.LAW is tailored to help founders and investors understand how to maximize corporate law for their startup projects. In each video, a corporate lawyer from around [...]

Startup Funding Tips

Finding and negotiating venture capital for your startup can be challenging. Where do you start? What do you need to think about? Who do you work with? - Let's ask the pros: In this compilation of startup funding tips, venture capital experts share their expertise on how to rock your [...]

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