10 Things to Think About when Founding a Startup

2024-08-15T11:47:02+02:00By Barbara|

No. 1: Company name (“Firma”) For the commercial register to accept your chosen company name, it needs to be free (i.e. not already taken) and meet certain requirements – for example, it shouldn’t misrepresent what the company does. We recommend to also check if your company name can be [...]


2024-09-05T23:07:12+02:00By Michel , Barbara|

Why your startup should be an AG instead of a GmbH if you plan on raising venture capital In Switzerland, founding an AG is costly – not least because AGs have a high minimum capital requirement of CHF 100k (50k need to be paid in at founding). It’s easier [...]

Liquidation Preferences in Startup Financing

2024-09-05T22:40:06+02:00By Michel , Nadia|

Who Gets How Much When a Startup is Sold? Startups usually depend on financially strong partners to grow. During financing rounds, investment agreements are concluded, and liquidation preferences are often one of the major deal terms to be negotiated. They are THE main feature of preferred shares (versus common [...]

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